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Find Address Location

Find Address Location

Address: 5019 S DREXEL AVE 3C
State: IL
ZIP Code: 60615
Benchmark: Public_AR_Current (4)

Matched Address: 5019 S DREXEL BLVD, CHICAGO, IL, 60615
Interpolated Longitude (X) Coordinates: -87.60369433865333
Interpolated Latitude (Y) Coordinates: 41.80373906281208
Tigerline ID: 111771246
Tigerline ID Side: L

Address Range Components:
Tiger Address Range: 5001 - 5099
Street PreQualifier:
Street PreDirection: S
Street PreType:
Street Name: DREXEL
Street SuffixType: BLVD
Street SuffixDirection:
Street SuffixQualifier:
State: IL
ZIP Code: 60615
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